Three Sisters Wilderness, OR – August 2003

Backpackers: Carl Fisher, Ed Tucker, John Gundry, Dan Pierce

August 11, 2003 (miles 10.5)  We stated from the Obsidian Trailhead at 9:00am and immediately walked through large fields of Obsidian rock.  We camped near an unnamed pond north of Seperation Creek.  During the day we had lots of excellent views of the North and Middle Sisters.  Most interesting was the stream we came upon where all of the water for the stream was bubbling up from the ground.

August 12, 2003 (miles 10)  Nothing in the trail journal during the day.  We camped at Moraine Lake and went swimming in the lake which is glacier fed.  Needless to say it was cold but very refreshing.  In the lake we witnessed our first floating rocks – yes floating.  They were volcanic rock with air pockets trapped inside the rocks.

August 13, 2003 (miles 8) We stayed at Moraine Lake and decided to summit the South Sister.  We all started out at 7:00 AM.  An hour or so into the climb Dan was not feeling well and decided to turn arouond (a good call on his part).  The climb is not technical and only had a few scary sections.  Ed, John, and I reached the summit at 10:30 for a total of 3.5 hours.  Heading down only took 2.5 hours.  There were great views of the surrounding area from the top.  Took another swim when we arrived back at the completely full camp ground.  People kept coming to the camp ground so we offered to share part of our site to two students and their dog “Marley”.

August 14, 2003 (miles 10)  Nothing remarkable today other than the great views of all the of the Sisters.  We camped at Soap Creek.  Carl turned 48 today!

August 15, 2003 (miles 12)  Ended the day at Minne Scott Spring campsite which was named after a natural spring flowing out of the ground which is where we had to get water.  Used chlorine tablets for the first time.  The weather was cooler and more windy than the previous nights.

August 16, 2003 (miles 7)  Just headed for the car.

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