Teton Crest Trail, WY – July 2015

A quick trip after backpacking Yellowstone National Park. The ride up the tram certainly made it easier to get to the trail.

Backpackers:Lori and Carl Fisher

This is the view after getting off the tram at the top.
This same campsite that Carl stayed in almost 15 years prior.

July 6, 2015 Miles 4.5 We started the hike from Jackson Hole Ski resort. We took a gondola ride up Rendezvous Mountain which took us from 6400 feet to 10400 feet in elevation. We were very happy we didn’t have to walk up. The gondola went through drizzle and clouds before breaking through into an overcast sky. Started hiking at 10:15AM with a temperature of 48 degrees, lots of downhill followed by some up and down. We arrived to camp 2:00PM and a temperature of 58 degrees. Fortunately we had camp all set up the steady rain started and lasted for an hour. We put up our tarp after the rain, which fortunately, was not needed. The site we stayed in was the exact same spot Carl, John and Kay Gundry, and Ed Tucker stayed in 2000.

July 7, 2015 Miles 10.5 We planned to hike 5 miles today which we completed by 11:00AM so we decided to go all the way back in. The trail was a bit uphill for about a mile and then the rest was downhill. The day was sunny and it is hard to understate the explosion of vibrant wildflowers we took in. The best displays Carl has ever seen. We hiked out of Lower Granite Canyon which had lots of nice sights. We stayed in the hostel at Jackson Hole (the cheapest accommodation there, but by no means cheap). Our room had a king bed and they do have rooms with four single beds. We had an excellent supper at the Mangy Moose.

The rainbow after the afternoon shower.
Lori in a sea of wildflowers.

Drink at the Mangy Moose.

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