So you are out on a nice backpacking (or hiking) trip and suddenly realize you don’t know where you are. You know – the trail you were following just is not visible and when you turn around you can’t see it that way either. What to do?
- Protect yourself for immediate danger. Treat injuries and stay out of nasty weather.
- Calm down and get oriented. Sit, relax, and do nothing. Sometimes a change in attitude reveals important clues you overlooked.
- Stay put. One of the few times you should move is if there is almost no chance of a quick rescue. Another is if you can safely get to a much more visible location, like an open meadow.
- Provide clues to assist searchers. Break branches, tie ribbons, and build rock cairns in obvious locations. Light a smoky fire, blow a whistle, or use a signal mirror. Make a big X on the ground (universal sign of distress) with gear or by digging an embankment in snow.
- Improve your comfort. Set up a tent or build a shelter to get out of the weather. Make sure you are still visible, however.
- Respond to searchers. Believe it or not some hikers are too embarrassed to be found.