Tahoe Rim Trail CA July 2018

After a failed attempt last year at tackling the TRT we give it another try.

Backpackers: Ed Tucker, Tim Harder, Brian Lewis, Carl Fisher

July 22, 2108 Miles 14.5 Ed and Brian have been hiking the PCT from Burney Falls CA. They arrived in Tahoe City and got a motel room. Tim and Carl flew from Green Bay WI to Reno NV, caught a shuttle and met up at the hotel yesterday. Today we started hiking at 6:00am. Cool temps changed into warm temps by mid-morning. We made good time, especially considering Tim and Carl’s first day on the trail. Got into camp around 2:30pm. Tough day for all so we went to bed early.

July 23, 2018 Miles 8.1 We all started the day feeling refreshed. We decided to stop at Richardson Lake (which was our plan) even though it made for a short day. Ed is having some Achilles tendon issues and wanted less miles, Tim and Carl readily agreed. Richardson Lake has many nice sites, is accessible by car, and provided time to clean up. Got into camp at 12:30pm and just had a lazy afternoon.

July 24, 2108 Miles 11.0 Nice easy trail all day. Entered the Desolution Wilderness today. Quite a change and some of it reminds me of the John Muir Trail. We got to Dicks Lake at 1:00pm and there were already several folks set up. We found a secluded spot to set up camp. Tim and I went for a swim. The water was nice and refreshing for a lazy day in camp.

July 25, 2018 Miles 11.7 Immediate uphill with good grade and tread. We got to Dicks Pass around 7:30am with excellent views and cell reception. After Dicks Pass most of the trail was rocky and difficult walking. We got into camp around 3:00pm and we were all tired. All of us cleaned up a bit, no swimming unfortunately, and a good discussion after dinner.

July 26, 2018 Miles 14.1 Another awesome day. A bit warmer than the past few days but pleasant none the less. We resupplied at Echo Chalet store where I purchased 10 bars, Gatorade, and 2 sandwiches. One I immediately ate and one I kept for supper. Tim, Ed, and I each bought wine (3 glass size) and consumed 6 of the glasses tonight. Nice camp site at Shower Lake. Tim and I played 2 games of Cribbage (I won both). We were able to get cleaned up but not swim.

July 27, 2018 Miles 10.0 Nice, easy trail today. The uphill portions were nicely graded with switchbacks. We arrived at Grass Lake Trail junction where all our resources indicated there were no campsites. Well…… we hunted and found 4 nice spots that we had to “clean” up. No bugs and no other hikers.

July 28, 2018 Miles 12.2 Two significant climbs today but both were well graded. Met 15-20 mountain bikers and 5-10 trail runners. Not sure where they are coming from. Morning started out cool and afternoon was comfortable. We got to camp at noon which is a 2 MPH average going uphill. Tim and I played two more games of Cribbage (1 won, 1 lost). Tim has taught me a lot about Cribbage.

July 29, 2018 Miles 8.6 Decision made last night for all of us to get off trail. Ed for Achilles tendon, Tim to go home, Carl and Brian to get out of the smoke. Made it to the city bus stop before 10:00am. Caught the bus which dropped us off at our hotel “Montblue”. Fortunately, our room was ready so we were all able to get cleaned before Tim headed for the airport in Reno. We found a comedy show headlined by Bob Zany. Brian, Carl, and Ed thought the show was awesome .

July 30, 2018 Miles 0 Took public bus from South Lake Tahoe to Tahoe City where we had 2 motel rooms reserved. Since Ed lost the card count last night he got the single room and Brian and Carl are rooming together. Went to Safeway, bought food and wine, and spent the evening in our room.

July 31, 2018 Miles 0 Major activity today was rafting on the Truckee River. Very relaxing and fun. Supper was Mexican Food.

August 1, 2018 Miles 0 Caught airport shuttle to Reno NV, then hotel shuttle to Nugget Hotel. All reservations in place.

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