Leave No Trace

  • Move your tent every day to keep from compressing ground and depriving a single spot of light and air.
  • Set up your tent out of site of any trails and at least 200 feet from water sources.
  • Move your tent every day to keep from compressing ground and depriving a single spot of light and air.
  • Set up your tent out of site of any trails and at least 200 feet from water sources.
  • Choose the most durable surface available for your campsite: rock, sand, or dry grassy meadows are your best options.
  • Always select a heavily impacted site over one with little signs of use.
  • Vary routes to and from water sources, and between the cooking area, food storage, and tent so you don’t create paths.
  • Move your tent every day to keep from compressing ground and depriving a single spot of light and air.

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