Ozark Trail marker

Ozark Trail, MO October 2018

A reasonably flat trail with some up and down, all in the woods with limited long views.

Backpackers: Lori Fisher and Carl Fisher

October 16, 2018 Miles 10.5 After positioning our vehicle at Hwy J and getting a shuttle to Hwy A trailhead we hit the trail at 8:15am. Overcast and damp all day long with no views. Arrived at Hwy DD at 3:00pm and found a flatish spot, cleared rocks and sticks and set up camp. It has been so cool that I wore my stocking cap and gloves all day. Both being chilled, we were in our tent and sleeping bags at 7:00pm for warmth.

October 17, 2018 Miles 10.5 We were plenty warm last night and today was sunny all day which made for more pleasant hiking. We ran into only 1 backpacker. We were able to hike further today than our plan so we will now be coming out tomorrow, a day early.

October 18, 2018 Miles 12 Sunny, easy walking all day. Today was a personal record (most miles in a day) for Lori. I’m suffering from a sore heel and Lori from 2 tight calves. Views, or lack of them, were the same today as the last two days. Started chilly (40ish) and ended at 63. One water crossing (Strother Creek) required removing legs and boots but was easy otherwise.

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