
Don’t underestimate the pain and agony that having a small issue with your feet will cause when backpacking or hiking.

  • Before any hiking trip, trim toenails using straight-edged – not curved – clippers.  Leave an extra bit of nail on the outside corner of the big toe (the side with no toe next to it) to avoid an ingrown toenail.
  • Keep your feet dry by wearing synthetic socks since they’re cooler and wick sweat from your skin faster than wool.
  • Change socks throughout the day as they get wet.
  • Apply underarm antiperspirant to your feet  but try this at home first – to  check for an allergic reaction.
  • Finally, add “trim toenails” to your packing list so you don’t forget at home.
  • Add the book “Fixing Your Feet” by John Vonhof to your library. Talks about all kinds of foot issues.

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