A group of 10 hearty backpackers are forced off the trail by the Caldor Fire in California.
The Backpacking Plan: This is the original plan which was followed until wildfires decided we were not welcome on the trails. Doing this trip would be great when wildfires in California have calmed down.
Aug 16 Day 1: 4 miles, camp at Maude Lake
Aug 17 Day 2: 6.2 miles, camp at Clyde Lake
Aug 18 Day 3: 5.1 miles, camp at Gilmore Lake
Aug 19 Day 4: 6.3 miles, camp at Middle Velma Lake
Aug 20 Day 5: Bruce family departs (4.3 miles), others day hike Middle Velma Lake area
Aug 21 Day 6: 4.3 miles, Shuttle picks up Gundry, Fisher, & Allington’s at Eagle Falls Trailhead
August 14, 2021 – The Fisher’s, Gundry’s, and Allington’s flew from Wisconsin to Reno Nevada. They all spent the night at the Nugget Casino-no one spent time at the gaming tables. It was Carl’s 66th birthday.
Playing cribbage at the Nugget Casino while waiting.
August 15, 2021 – We all took the hotel shuttle back to the airport where we caught the South Tahoe Airporter shuttle to South Lake Tahoe. Lori and Carl stayed at Mont Bleu Casino and Resort. Most of us met for dinner at Ace’s High Saloon and Smokehouse with high spirits and expectations about the upcoming days.
August 16, 2021 – Miles: 4 Cumulative Miles: 4 We had previously coordinated with Wanna Ride shuttle to get to the Rockhound trailhead. Since there were ten of us we needed two shuttles. The Fishers and Gundrys took the first shuttle, which took 1 hour and 15 minutes, and started hiking shortly after 8:00am. Two and a half hours later the Bruces and Allingtons were dropped off to start the hike. We hiked the Rockbound trail for the entire day. The trail is well marked with nice tread. There are plenty of rocks. The first group arrived at Maude Lake just after noon and explored the area to find 6 tent sites. Most took a refreshing swim in Maude Lake before playing the card game “99”. There was just a minimal amount of smoke in the air.
Carl, Lori, and Laura at the Rockbound trailhead. Beauty Lake Swimming in Maude Lake. Playing card game “99”.
August 17, 2021 – Miles: 6.2 Cumulative Miles 10.2. We began the day on the Rockbound trail before taking a connector trail to the Rubicon trail which we hiked the remainder of the day. Initially we had a 750 foot climb through Rockbound Pass which was challenging. Unfortunately when we stopped to rest and looked back we were being chased by smoke and ash from the Caldor Fire which (we learned later) had started 3 days prior. After a steep downhill 3/10 of a mile walk we arrived at our intended destination for the evening, Clyde Lake, completely surrounded by smoke. It took a bit of searching to find 6 acceptable tent sites, especially since the wind had started to pick up and we would be camping on rock. Most folks swam even though it was breezy and the sun was unable to break through the smoke filled air. While eating our Mountain House dehydrated meal we discussed what to do if we got up in the morning and couldn’t see the ridge near us. All agreed that we would probably have to bail. Carl woke several times in the night, smelling smoke, and even considered wearing his COVID mask while sleeping.
Sunrise over Maude Lake Looking back while heading up Rockbound Pass Looking back while climbing Rockbound Pass Swimming in Clyde Lake with smoke all around
August 18, 2021 – Miles: 10 Cumulative Miles 20.2. Today we nicknamed “Ash in your eyes”. More than once members of the group were forced to blink rapidly due to wild fire ash in their eyes. The smoke was even thicker when we woke so it was easy to make the decision to head to Echo Lake Resort where we assumed we could get cell service to call for a ride. Like the previous day we had an immediate uphill climb to Mosquito Pass (about 400 feet). We stayed on the Rubicon trail until it met the Pacific Crest Trail, about 3 miles into the day. We all gathered at the trail junction to confirm the decision to go in. Not a hard decision-we were still in smoke. The trail took us out along Aloha Lake and the Echo Lakes which would have been gorgeous had it not been smoky. Along the way we ran into a guy from Arizona who had just hiked into the back country that day. He relayed to us that he had met someone that told him the wilderness area was closed due to the Caldero wildfire which confirmed our decision. Since we were in need of a ride, he offered a ride into town which Gundry / Fisher gladly accepted. The remainder of the group called Wanna Ride to get a ride to the pre-positioned car at Eagle Falls Trailhead at Emerald Bay State Park. Fortunately for us the Mont Bleu Casino and Resort had rooms available for all of us.
Smoke filled camp at Clyde Lake Smoke filled early morning Aloha Lakes. Would have been pretty without the smoke. Echo Lakes. End of trip at Echo Lake
August 19, 2021 – The Gundry’s and Fisher’s caught the 12:40 shuttle from Mont Bleu to the Reno Airport where we caught the Nugget Casino shuttle where we had reservations. The Bruce’s and Allington’s drove to the Nugget and got rooms as well. We had a celebration dinner at Petro’s Famigila Ristorante Italiano, within walking distance of the Nugget, which had excellent food.
Celebration dinner at Italian restaurant The Nugget hotel at night
August 20, 2021 – The Gundry’s, Allington’s and Bruce’s all depart for home while the Fisher’s stay in Reno for one more day. They explored the Riverwalk District along the Truckee River and found some nice art. Upon return to the Nugget they decided to walk to Great Basin Brewing Company for dinner and a couple of drinks. They were there for 45 minutes when the bright, sunny day turned to dusk due to smoke from the wildfire. They just couldn’t seem to escape the effects of the fire!
Bus outside of the bus station Spider art using a VW for the body.
August 21, 2021 – The Fisher’s fly home.