PCT-White Pass to Snoqualmie Pass – August 2015

Colder than expected temperatures forced one hiker to leave the trail. After he left the trail conditions improved and there was no more shivering during the night

Backpackers:Ed Tucker, Brian Lewis, and Carl Fisher

August 06, 2015 – Miles:12.5 The three of us stayed at a motel at White Pass last night. It was a rustic room with a kitchenette. This morning we hit the trail at 7:00AM with a temperature of about 50 degrees. We had lunch at Snow Lake at noon and arrived at camp about 2:00PM. I was really tired so I was in bed at 8:00PM and asleep at 8:15PM. I awoke at 2:00AM very cold-my sleep system did not seem to be working (I had Lori’s air mattress inside my Big Agnus bag sleeve. At 4:00AM I put on socks and a shirt, at 5:30AM pants and fleece. The temps must have been in the high 30;s but that shouldn’t be an issue for me. (Post trip note-I decided that my light weight bag was older and probably lost enough down that it was no longer a 35 degree bag and decided to replace it with a quilt.)

August 07, 2015 – Miles: 13.0 Brian also froze last night so he decided to hike to Chinook Pass and hitch or to hike faster than Ed and I care to hike to get to Snoqualmie sooner. The trails today were much harder than yesterday but we were afforded great views of Mt Rainier most of the day. A female hiker passed us who was doing 30+ miles per day. For the first time Ed and I decide to make a bottle of wine last 3 nights (generally they only last 2). I have some right foot soreness and take 2 Ibuprofen/day. Thankfully it is warmer today than yesterday and I get a good night sleep.

August 08, 2015 – Miles: 13.5 The weather was beautiful until the end of the day. I felt great in the afternoon despite a blister forming on my right little toe during the last mile of hiking. I put on a toe condom. We camped in a small clump of trees at 4:30PM and shortly afterward the skies started darkening and there was lots of fog moving in. I was able to get some nice pictures. We camped next to Twinkle Toes and Howdy Doody what are thru hikers. A short distance away were Yanna (from Berlin Germany) and Nathan for the second night in a row.

August 09, 2015- Miles: 13.0 It was pretty easy hiking all day. I hiked in running shorts instead of convertible pants which took care of a chafing issue I was having. The toe condom is working well on my blisters. We camped at Camp Urich which is the only PCT trail hut in Washington. Ed and I chose to pitch our tents. There was trail magic here. Someone left beer, soda, chips and licorice. I put Doritos in my Chili Mac which is excellent. Met Mother Goose (the first woman to yoyo the AT and she has been enshrined in the AT Museum), Fire Ant (from England), Bill (who wore kilts) and Robin (from Canada) who were all hiking together.

August 10, 2015 – Miles: 14.0 Camped at Tacoma Pass with 7 others and very few flat spots. I was able to snap some awesome sunset pictures.

August 11, 2015- Miles: 12.0 A very special day. Ed and I hit the trail at 7:00AM. At our first break Robin caught up to us. Bill had left without her (she thought) so she decided to walk with us. At 10:00AM Mother Goose and Fire Ant said they were going to lunch at the 3d electric line. When we got there (12:30PM) my toe was really hurting and Robin’s sister and husband surprised Robin (and us) with trail magic. They had driven that morning from Canada and, based upon Robin’s morning SPOT text decided to try to find us. They brought broasted chicken, Caesar salad, fresh bread, beer, and wine. Over the next two hours Robin and I drank TWO bottles of wine and I sent “girlfriend” pictures to Lori. We slack packed the final 7 miles for the day where we met again with hot dogs, chips, beer and wine. Oh yeah, they had chairs as well. A very fine day.

August 12, 2015 – Miles: 11 We finished the day early as there were basically no views and it was just an easy walk. We had lunch and beer at DruBru while we waited for Brian and Ann Lewis to pick us up.

August 13 and 14, 2015 – Spent at the Lewis’ house. One day longer than planned because of the weather forecast.

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