Bear Canister

Ever tried to get a weeks worth of food into a bear-proof canister? Try these ideas:

* First, make sure all air is squeezed out of zipper-lock bags and remove all all excess packaging.
* Load in the reverse order that you’ll be eating, so the last day’s food goes in first.
* Place the first day’s lunch, snack, and dinner elsewhere in your pack, unless you are in grizzly country, then all food goes in the canister.
* Squash each layer as far as it will go.
* Pack malleable items around the outside edges and line the bottom with tortillas or other flat items.
* Fill small spaces with bags of spices, flour, hot chocolate or oatmeal packets.
* With luck you’ll be able to get 7 days worth of food in the canister – 5 days for sure.

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